Virtual Regional PAAE Meeting

Pennsylvania Association of Ag EducatorsThis year is different, different for everything. This year due to the global pandemic that is occurring we were unable to have our regional meeting at HOSS'S. I know I was bummed out, missing a yummy (free) meal.

Just because it was virtual does not mean that important business was not conducted. Jess, Brandon, and I were able to see each other virtually (better than not seeing each other at all). It is amazing to see the support that I felt from the agriculture teachers from the west. Because I am from the west and I love the west #west is the best.

Something that was discussed, that I was very interested in was the fact that there is talk about making more agriculture standards on the SAS website. It is super frustrating making lesson plans and not having any science related standards that fit your lesson. I am really excited to see how PDE plans this out, and how it is followed though.

Something that caught me by surprise was that LDE's (public speaking events) are in the process of becoming a different date for the state rounds. I think that this is a good idea, being that I have competed in public speaking events, and with that you can't really participate in anything else, even if you qualified in a CDE (career development event). I think that this is a great idea, students should not have to choose between competing in leadership events and career deveoplment events, they should be able to do both. Both CDE's and LDE's promote positive growth within young FFA members.

What do you think?


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