Science class with Food = Food Science.

At northwestern, there are two certified agriculture teachers in the high school building. One being Mr. Honeycutt and two being Mrs. Schmidt. They were fantastic together. Mr. Honeycutt manages the general ag, and Mrs. Schmidt teaches food science related materials in the food science room.

During my prep (fourth period) I would wonder down to Mrs. Schmidt's room to observe the class. 4th period was the advanced food science students in the "chopped" class. If you have ever seen the tv series "chopped" you know what I am talking about. It is super cool to watch some really competitive students work really hard all week to get their recipe together and made for Friday (judging day).

Growing up I LOVED helping my grandma in the kitchen, I still do. Having the opportunity to be able to spend time in a foods classroom, with students that love what they are learning was a dream come true for me. I was not only able to show some students some tips and tricks that I have learned from my grandma, but I was able to learn from them as well.

My favorite class, was when the topic was noodles, each group (kitchen, there were four of them) came up with a different recipe that included noodles. They then made the noodles from scratch, noodles are my specialty, I absolutely love making them and eating them.

My favorite thing about the foods classes, is that it acts like an art class. Each student got to be creative in their own way in the class. Each student got to contribute to the group, and to the end recipe. Each student in the chopped class had their own part of the kitchen where they got to be creative on their own.


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