The Farmer and The Cows

As it is my first full week teaching the students here at Northwestern High School, I can say that it has flown by. The students that I have been teaching in the agriscience applications classes, they are so hard working and very flexible with my different teaching methods.

With being a new teacher, I float around to different teaching methods and today we tired something a little different. This past week we were learning beef and dairy breeds, so what better way to to review then to play "can the farmer find his cow" so on note cards, I had farms looking for a specific breed of cattle, and I had cow cards that named their breed. The farmer had to go around the room and talk to their peers to find the breed of cow that matched his characteristics. The students really seemed to like this game, they got really involved in it.

This past week has been really amazing, I am super excited to be a teacher. I really love to be an encouragement in the classes. This past week has been crazy weather it was talking about beef breeds, dairy breeds, talking about how the industries work, or helping some FFA members write essays for scholarships; it has been a great week. 

I never thought it would be a time where it has flown by, this week went by so quickly.I am so excited to be able to start my large animal science class next week. I have realized over this past week that I LOVE teaching agriculture. 


  1. Britton, I'm so glad you LOVE teaching agriculture! :-D Me too. ;-)

    As you reflect, I'd love to see you dig in a little more (this is most of what I get to see about how you're processing being in the classroom, and it will be helpful for you to come back to at the end of student teaching). So as you think about the different methods you use, what were they? Why did you make that decision? Were you effective? How did that decision enhance your classroom?

    Essentially, when the "exciting" wears away (and don't get me wrong, exciting is AWESOME!), what will you go back to to refresh, reinvigorate, and make decisions that excite you in the classroom again? To answer that, we need to know what's so exciting in the first place and what's really resonating.

    Looking forward to hearing more!

  2. I would 100% echo Becky, think about a format in these blog posts that easily captures "pro tips" for you from you that you want to come back might also pose specific questions you are curious of how others would answer!



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