How Can we Use Inquiry learning in the Classroom?

When I think about the work Inquiry, it makes me think inquiring. Inquiring to me, means that someone is looking to solve a  problem, using what they already know about a subject. It also makes me think that someone is trying to learn something, by asking  questions. In my opinion I think that inquiry learning uses all of those things. 

Image result for inquiryAs teacher we need to be flexible to adaptation. There will be new teaching methods that might benefit our students and ourselves. We need to feel comfortable using these new methods, and adapting our old styles to fit our students. 

A new method that I am not very familiar with is Inquiry based learning. Penn State has given me an amazing opportunity to go to Harrisburg to a workshop to better my skills in this area of my teaching. I am super excited because as of right now I am having a hard time picturing this method in a classroom. I am really excited to learn from current teachers, and how they successful implement this teaching method in their classrooms. 

I love hearing feedback from everyone, hearing from you only makes me a better prepared teacher. 

Future student: Do you feel that you learn from this method? 
Teachers: What is your favorite Inquiry lesson to teach, and why? 
Peers: What is one thing you are worried about when using this teaching method?


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