
I think we can all agree that testing is a form of assessment. Did you ever think about why we assess students or why it might be important to do so? This quote stood out to me in my weekly reading talking about why it is important to assess. "Knowledge of the level to which students have developed enables the instructor to effectively plan for teaching."

Image result for assessmentI think that it is important to not use the word test, this causes students to have a little bit of anxiety. It is important for the test to be constructed to have motivational and instructional value to the student. It is frustrating for students to complete a test that is composed for testing trivial knowledge. I think that this causes frustration, thus the students becomes discouraged.

Multiple choice questions, I don't think that these questions create the ability to think deeper. I like open ended questions, where the students can explain with their own words, rather than just choosing a choice that seems right to them.

Students - Would you rather take a written test, or complete a project to assess your knowledge? 

Teacher- Have you ever had students complete different things as an assessment? I know you have probably done this with your differentiated instruction. I am wondering if you did it with other students as well. Some students just do not preform well on tests, while some students would rather take a test than another option of assessment.

Mentors- What is your all time favorite way to assess your students? 


  1. Thanks Britton!

    I have had student select from a "cafeteria" list on how they want to evidence their learning. They can even draw up a contract that we negotiate out ahead of time, potentially even creating the rubric to be used on their project!


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