As teachers it is part of our job to ensure that ALL of our students are learning from us. It is my goal as an educator to have all my students learn from me. I know that it is a hard goal to have all my students always get a perfect on every assignment, but as long as they are learning from what I am teaching them I think I can say that I am being successful.

As an educator it is hard to have the tme to be able to have individualized instruction for all of my students. We have 45 minutes and roughly 23 students, that would be a little over two minutes per student to have individualized instruction. I know that I will never have enough time as I would like to in each of the classes that I will be teaching.

In the courses that I have taken at Penn State a lot of them have been project based, which helps with individualized instruction. I think that AEE 349 (the first ag mech course) has a lot of individual instruction. On the other hand there were a few online classes that were a work at your own pace project based classes, now that I think about it they would be considered individual instruction as well.

Below you will find a link for a webpage that talks about the difference between individualized instruction and differentiated instruction.

Attention Mentors As a soon to be student teacher, what is your best advice that you can give about making all your students feel like they are getting an indivualized experience?


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