We Learn Together

This is a topic that I seem to struggle with as a learner, "Group Work". I really do not like working as a group to complete a project, I would much rather do it on my own. Because of this mindset, I think I am going to struggle to get my students excited about working in groups or teams.

Image result for group workThink pair share, this is the only method that I feel comfortable with as part of my lesson. I realize that this is something that I need some advice on.Think pair share is a group thinking activity where the students have time to think on their own. Then the students are paired up to think as a team, to share ideas, then students share with the rest of the class in the form of a discussion.  What are some other methods to make group work, and or group thinking something that students don't mind as much? I do find myself using this method, when writing my lesson plans for my upcoming student teaching internship. I am just concerned that there are some students that will not contribute to the group. How can I as a teacher ensure that everyone is sharing their thoughts?  I am worried that I will have some students that will do all of the work, and the rest of the students that will do all of the work. How can I get my students excited about working as a team? 

I have done group work in other courses at the college level, but I haven't been able to find any techniques that I like. There has been lots of group presentations, but there is no way for the professor to know how much each of the students had contributed to the presentation. I am staying positive that there is so much more learning to be done on my part to help better myself as a teaching in the topic of group work. 
Attached is a website that I found from the University of Waterloo. There was a lot of information given in about how to implement group work and make it a motivating thing for students. It was stated that the students should help come up with the "rules" for the group work. I think that this is a great idea, because if the students come up with an idea they are much more accepting and willing to fulfill the idea.


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