Leading The Vision

You have 48 hours to prepare for this lesson to be taught. I was the lucky person to pick the lesson of the five characteristics that make up a leadership vision. 

What in the world is a leadership vision. Well, it is many things combined in a plan to inspire people to move in a different direction to get to a better future. It is expressed as a detailed plan to get people to change their futures for the better. The five characteristics are Picture, change, challenge, values, and map. 

Being the teacher, apparently I am "in charge"... scary, I know. To take on this challenge, I drew some pictures.. also scary, NOT good at art. My hope was to get the students involved in creating the idea of the characteristics. I drew images of pictures, changes, challenges, values and maps. For challenge it did in fact look like a road block. Now that I am reflecting maybe the idea of a rock in the middle of a road was not the best image to show for challenge. I probably would have done my best attempt at a person   doing a challenging task, like climbing a mountain. The interest approach may have been slightly rough, but we pushed through. 

The lesson in its self went well, we went through a power point presentation giving a small back ground about leadership visions, and then went on to explain each characteristic. There was an activity for the student to practice their knowledge on the material that was covered in the five minute power point slides. The activity includes the characteristics and their definitions written on paper. The definition was missing a few words, so the student had to choose the correct word to complete the definition and then match the correct characteristic with the correct definition that describes it. 

I think that overall, this was a great way for me to start my last semester before heading to student teaching. Sometimes with all of the stressful parts of becoming a teacher, the end goal of teaching gets fuzzy and not near as clear as I want it to be. This first lesson helped to regain my vision and I am so excited about what the future will hole. 


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