Searching for Sucess
As many of you may know that it is my time to begin my search for my "perfect" cooperating center to complete my student teaching with. Now if I would have been asked last year I would have wanted to be as close to my home town as possible, but now I feel differently about this. It may be because I am living away from home and I have proven to myself that I can survive not seeing my family, my farm, and my cows everyday. Now living in State College is much different than living in my little town of Armagh, as sad as it is in State College I can not see cows from my window, not even my miniature donkeys.. I know BUMMER. I made a huge adjustment living in a city, hearing traffic from my bedroom, and not hearing cows moo. I just made myself at home here in the "big" city and now I am looking for a new place to go to complete the next chapter of my Agriculture Education journey. I am looking for a school that is larger than the one that I graduated from. Plant scienc...